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RISE – Racket for Integration of Seniors

RISE – Racket for Integration of Seniors, is the project which main objectives are to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and raising awareness of the importance of health enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in, and equal access to the game of pickle tennis for all people, especially the elderly who are suffering the most during and after ongoing Covid-19 public health crisis. RISE is a two year project co-funded by Erasmus+ Sport of the European Union involving five European partners.

RISE – game of pickleball

The proposed project is focused on the game of pickleball, because it contains all elements required for a healthy and normal physical and emotional well-being for elderly people. Pickleball is adopted version of tennis, created for all ages and skill levels, in particular elderly. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn. Game is played both indoors and outdoors on a badminton-size court. It is usually played as doubles. The game is especially popular with the elderly, because it is easy to play, and it is social game. On the other hand, it provides a good aerobic workout without as much stress on the body.

RISE main goals:

Rise main goals are:

  • to promote social inclusion through organized pickleball workout;
  • to implement suitable organized pickleball activities for elderly;
  • to strength cooperation between different professional sports institutions;
  • to minimize generation gap through pickle tennis implementation.

RISE main objectives

Rise main objectives are to:

  • Increase knowledge in the field of organization and implementation of suitable pickleball workout for elderly. To analyse different methods and gain best practices of organization and implementation of pickleball workout for elderly with the aim of identifying the most optimal ones.
  • Increase awareness of the role of pickleball in promoting social inclusion, regarding benefits of physical and mental state of elderly. To raise awareness through organised activities and communication and dissemination channels of project partners.
  • Strengthen cooperation between institutions and organizations active in the field of promoting pickleball for all generations. To strengthen cooperation between institutions and organizations active in this field and to improve sharing of good practices between institutions and organizations active in this field.
  • Minimizing generation gap and promoting intergenerational understanding. To connect and integrate different age groups and to improve the level of coexistence and understanding of differences between various population groups.
  • Increase social inclusion and physical activity of elderly through organized pickleball workout.
    To improve the extent of physical activities performed by the elderly and to improve the extent of social activities performed by the elderly.

Vse, ki vas zanima igranje pickleblla, vljudno vabimo, da pokličete na številko 040566225 in pridobite dodatne informacije.

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