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Project activities

  1. Pickleball training
    Most important part of our RISE project is performed through organization and implementation of pickle tennis activities for elderly. Organized tennis activities are performed free of charge by project partners two times per week. In addition to sport activities, other events will be organized, such as educational seminars, social events, etc. The purpose of these events is to additionally strengthen social ties and intergenerational integration. The project activities will be organized in order to increase standards of living for all participants.
  2. Workshops
    The main goal of the project workshops is to share knowledge between different project partners and to disseminate project results to wider audience.

The “RISE social inclusion through sport” photos and videos collects best memories from the project activities implementation.

Our presentational workshop in Ljubljana is approaching in December 

Our presentational workshop in Ljubljana is approaching in December Older people, members of pensioner associations and others are invited to join us at the Športni center Dolgi most to play a game of pickleball 🎾🎾🎾

See you on the 9th of December!

You are nicely invited to check out RISE flyer where you can find a lot of information and some highlights from our project implementation

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