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  • Tennis Club Krsko - the project coordinator. Tennis club Krsko was founded in 1986.  TC Krško is involved in numerous social inclusion and seniors programmes.

  • Fair-way Sportegyesület (Fair-way SE) - Fair-way Sportegyesület (Fair-way SE) was established in 2019 and it has two divisions: one is footgolf (mix of golf and football), and the other one is pickleball. They are one of the founders of the European Pickleball Association

  • ZDUS - Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije (in English: Slovenian Federation of Pensioner’s Associations) is a non-governmental (NGO) and non-profit organization, established in 1946, organized as an umbrella organization of 13 regional members, bringing together 500 local associations of pensioners and clubs, including over 186.000 members all over Slovenia (11% of Slovenian population)

  • AIGNERKARNER tennisandmore GdbR - AIGNERKARNER tennisandmore GdbR, established in 2010 is based in Holzkirchen, Bavaria, Region South of Munich, Germany. With its 2 managing directors, its 1 part time employee and its 15-20 coaches and freelancers, AignerKarner tennisandmore GdbR engages in the sports arena with high focus on tennis.

  • Tennis Association of District Istria - TSIŽ (Croatia) - Tennis Association of District Istria is a non-profit, independent, voluntary association of tennis clubs in District of Istria, Croatia. It was established in 1996 due to mutual interests in recreational and competitive tennis in accordance with Olympic principles

Kaj je novega

POSAVSKO-DOLENJSKA rekreativna liga 2023

30 Marec 2023

Letna sezona je že pred vrati, zato pričenjamo z novo tekmovalno sezono Posavsko-Dolenjske rekreativne lige 2023.

Prenovljena kavarna SMASH odpira svoja vrata

08 December 2022

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Božično - novoletni rekreativni turnir

07 December 2022

Dragi teniški prijatelji,

vljudno vas vabimo na tradicionalni božično - novoletni PRO*AM rekreativni turnir žrebanih dvojic, ki bo potekal v soboto 17.12.2022 na Teniškem klubu Krško.